Friday, August 21, 2009

#racefail @work

The Scene: office cubicle farm with overhead lighting turned off
The Action: One coworker aims camera at another and snaps picture
The Audio:
White Coworker: "I just needed to take a picture of something dark"
Black Coworker:"o_O"

Thursday, August 13, 2009

It's been so long since I've written to you

it's not like you pay attention anyway.

Simply put: I'm tired of people stealing my shit

You know, I kinda pride myself of saying funny things. And it kinda pisses me off when people steal them and act like they came up with my shit on their own... So, henceforth, I am going to work extra hard to attribute the shit I "borrow" to its owner. It's only fair. Do unto others and all that jazz.