Tuesday, November 22, 2005

When I was in college...

I took a women's studies class. Of course I did, who didn't? For my major project, I wrote a 20 page paper on what I will call the "Ally McBeal Syndrome." You make a tv show about a strong female character, a lawyer for example. A show that could show this woman succeeding in a male dominated arena (it was a women's studies class). Instead she is written as a ridiculous hormonal lackwit who couldn't cross the street on her own let alone behave as an adult. I like Grey's Anatomy, all that delicious pain, but I am starting to see shades of Ally. My Tivo is making a buzzing sound when people talk; it is annoying.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Sometimes I wonder why I bother

we should really stop feeding the stupid. they will never learn to fend for themselves this way.

Saturday, November 5, 2005

Turtle may be the only thing I could not bring myself to eat

I enjoyed watching people scrub the dirt from my car today.