Sunday, May 28, 2006

Call me Cassie

Why does no one ever listen to me when I am always right?

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Some people just don't know when to stop

Like Disney.  Lion King 1.5?  Please. And now The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo? You are not just shitting me, you are shitting on me.

Monday, May 8, 2006

Seeking single police officer for protection/companionship

So waiting to talk to me after I get home...  seriously stalkerish, ok.

Saturday, May 6, 2006


1. People need to stop screwing with me. 2. I am taking requests for souvenirs now. 3. I enjoy bad movies. 4. I start a new job in a couple of weeks. 5. I do not believe in repeating myself. People should believe me when I tell them something 6. It doesn't pain me at all to cut someone out of my life. I've done it several times in the past. 7. The drycleaner lost 8 items of my clothing. I have pants but no jackets for my suits. I am so pissed, that I am absolutely calm. 8. I want a day of action.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Dumb Bitch of the Week

Better late than never... Today's pick is someone that I'll call monkey.  Monkey gets her name because she is so dumb that when she talks, her words are basically monkey speak.  Actually that is probably an insult to monkeys, but think of it as an evolutionary analogy.  Now I could give all sorts of examples, but really monkey's biggest problem is that she is a dumb bitch who thinks she's smarter than everyone else.  She appears to lack even a high school education but yet wants everyone to believe that she has all the answers.  I'd feel sorry for her except for the fact that she tried to step to me with her ignorant bullshit.  And despite that fact that I feel kinda bad fighting an unarmed man in a battle of wits I can only say "bring it, bitch."  But i'm not totally unkind, I'll let her borrow my dictionary so that she look up the big words she doesn't understand.