Monday, January 26, 2009

the world's largest cold sore has taken over half my face

quite amazingly, it is actually in 2 pieces. i have never seen this happen before. zovirax is trying to defeat it, but i don't think anything will work. so i am just going to have to live with looking like i got backhanded until it decides to move on. being sick sucks.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

An Open Letter

To: Google
Cc: T-mobile
Re: G1 pop3 notification failure

Seriously, this email situation is unacceptable. The email application on the G1 is incapable of notifying when I receive messages. The suggested work around is the have gmail poll my pop3 acounts as only the gmail application works properly... (we can discuss that later.) But gmail's mail fetcher cannot be set to a specific interval and only wants to check about once an hour. So I'm supposed to be satisfied that I get my email once an hour (rather than never) when I am used to receiving it once every 10 - 15 minutes? This is ridiculous. What good is a mobile computing device that doesn't keep up to date when you are on the go?

A disgruntled consumer that really can't do anything about the current situation but will think twice about your product next time...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ideas for self improvement

#1 Fire people from your life who are pulling you down rather than lifting you up. I've already fired 2 people this year. Which is really a record because up until now, i had only fired a total of 2 people. So now i'm at 4 total. Firing people is necessary to maintain a healthy you. Life is hard enough without others making it harder. To help you along, I'm going to list the reasons I've fired people. If you see these or similar behaviors, it's time to let that person go...

gereral jackholery
lack of reciprocationm
mistreating others

If these read like a list of disease systoms, they are. and that disease is deserves to die alone. by the way, i don't feel sorry for these people; they bring pain and sufferin on themselves. remember the more you find to love about a person, the more you will find to hate about them.