Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Like to Learn the Hard Way

Advanced functionality isn't always the best choice. Just because you can include certain features doesn't mean that you should. Even when users request an update, such requests have to weighed against how that change will affect the rest of the program. When you fix one thing, you usually break another.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Whose idea was it to make C# case sensitive?

No, seriously.  Even with IntelliSense (which frankly makes me feel quite useless) I have a hard time remembering to not type "radius" when I declared the variable as "Radius".  And what does it matter anyway?  I miss the automatic formatting of VBA.  Maybe I should try VB.Net.  Although I have a feeling that I would be bored to tears for the entire course.  Which begs another question: how difficult should a programmers first language be.  I'm sure that know BASIC made SQL scripting a breeze for me.  (But that was also a result of being able to think through problems logically.)  I'm also sure that if I had learned C along time ago, C#, Javascript, etc... would all be a breeze for me.  And I would probably be earning 2x to 3x my current salary.