this is part of an assignment i had to complete for an ethics class:
Identify 100 of your beliefs in one-sentence statements. (This number is not negotiable.) These should be ethical beliefs as opposed to say physical beliefs "I believe the earth is round".
Explanation of language: While there are exceptions, I have tried to differentiate my use of the words “should” and “must/ought.” I try to use “must” only when a behavior/action is required under my ethical standards (even though I may make exceptions as necessary). I use “should” for those actions, which while not required, earn a person moral character bonus points. While I consider people who violate a “must” “bad,” I make no negative judgment on those violating a “should.”
I believe that…
1) there is a difference between murder and killing.
2) no one human life is inherently better than any other.
3) legislating morality defeats the purpose of having a moral system.
4) you must follow the golden rule.
5) people ought not have children for their entertainment value.
6) parents must be responsible for the actions of their children.
7) at some point a person must look beyond their background and take responsibility for their actions.
8) you should protect the young, the weak, and the old.
9) the pursuit of money is a root of evil.
10) people kill people, not guns. (We should limit/punish actors rather than instruments.)
11) ignoring injustice is worse than committing it.
12) letting someone die is different from murder or killing them.
13) if you have ability and resources to help others you should (but should not be forced to do so).
14) there is a difference between intentional, negligent, and accidental harm.
15) an “eye for an eye” is permissible to punish intentional harm.
16) intent is a important factor in morality, i.e. you can do the wrong thing for the right reason or vice versa.
17) altruistic dishonesty is moral.
18) the worst form of dishonesty is adultery/infidelity.
19) preemptive strikes are wrong.
20) in the absence of professional training, level of self defense should be determined by victims.
21) with professional training, self defense should mirror level of attack.
22) victims should have a say in punishment.
23) those who act against the golden rule no longer have its protection.
24) hypocrisy is immoral.
25) the worst person to lie to is yourself.
26) you shouldn’t get something for nothing.
27) only he who is without sin can cast stones.
28) people deserve honest pay for an honest day’s work.
29) you ought to expect to receive no more than you give.
30) unrepentant smokers ought not receive free public health benefits.
31) motorcycle riders without helmets ought not receive free public health benefits.
32) lawmakers should not hide behind same-sex marriage amendment as a shield to true feelings on homosexuality.
33) you ought to tell people if you fall out of love with them, i.e. a relationship is not as they believe it.
34) people have a moral right to privacy.
35) people ought to be able do with their bodies as they will, as long as they harm only themselves (physically).
36) polluters have a duty stop activities and make their victims whole.
37) the death penalty as currently administered is immoral.
38) it is wrong to experiment on human subjects without full disclosure.
39) animal experimentation is a necessary evil that must be done humanely.
40) it is wrong to abandon puppies in the country.
41) it is wrong to hurt others for entertainment.
42) it is right to have property rights.
43) a person must decide his own highest duty.
44) bankruptcy is dubious at best.
45) people must consider the consequences before they act.
46) I ought not pay for the mistakes of others.
47) in group work, everyone in the group must do equal values of work.
48) friends and family have greater claim on a person than strangers.
49) you have a duty to have proper training before engaging in an activity (driving, surgery, law practice, etc.).
50) you must not drive after drinking.
51) you can forgive a harm without forgetting it.
52) you have no obligation to remain in any situation where you are being hurt.
53) there is no requirement to like all people equally.
54) drug companies should compensate for unwarned damages.
55) manufacturers should tell truth about products.
56) lies of omission are the same as lies of commission.
57) I am the only person with a right to my life.
58) those without mental capacity for understanding the difference between right and wrong ought not be punished.
59) leaders have a stronger duty to take responsibility for their actions.
60) “the rules” don’t apply equally to everyone.
61) consumers have a right to know how goods are manufactured (child labor, genetic modification, etc.).
62) men and women should be paid equally for the same job.
63) people have a privacy right even in public.
64) in a democracy there is a need for minority rights.
65) the rational individual is responsible for his own TV viewing. (But parents are responsible for children).
66) rational beings do not succumb to the “slippery slope.”
67) law ought not be the basis for morality.
68) position and/or might does not make right.
69) animals do not have morals or ethics.
70) people have an obligation to reason about their moral codes.
71) people cannot attribute actions to fate because the future is unknown when making decisions.
72) parents have the responsibility of ensuring proper education for their children, not society.
73) when evidence of crime persists, there should be no statute of limitations on prosecution.
74) people have an obligation to at least try to stop their own immoral behavior.
75) you cannot force help onto people “for their own good.”
76) just because everyone is doing it doesn’t make it right.
77) you should not laugh at the misfortune of others.
78) if action A has a possibility of consequence C, then committing A is an acceptance of responsibility for C.
79) it’s ok for some of my beliefs to conflict with others.
80) while I should respect their life and liberty, I have no responsibility for the happiness of others.
81) a sin by an other name is still a sin (flattery vs. lying).
82) two wrongs don’t make for right.
83) emotional relationships do not create the obligation to commit unethical acts for others.
84) you ought not take credit for others’ work.
85) ethics is doing what your mother can be proud of.
86) people are responsible for themselves when they ignore warning (e.g. jumping a fence with a “large dog” warning).
87) companies that outsource have a duty to ensure vendors follow all proper privacy practices.
88) “don’t ask, don’t tell” policies encourage dishonesty in employees.
89) you ought not keep secrets involving abuse or minors with eating disorders.
90) everyone has the capacity to commit evil.
91) doing good means active rather than passive behavior
92) it is better to give unwanted items (clothing, shoes, etc.) to disadvantaged than simply throw away.
93) there is no duty to use innate talents.
94) criminals should be removed from society because they have broken an implicit social contract.
95) all professionals have duty to clients whether termed business ethics, legal ethics, or medical ethics.
96) stereotyping is wrong when thought leads to deed.
97) the rules for individual also apply to groups (corporations, societies, countries, etc.).
98) only I can determine “good” for myself.
99) I have a right to decide to not be a member of society, receiving no benefits, but also sharing no ills.
100) it’s ok to ask for help.
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