Monday, October 30, 2006
friends, romans, countrymen: lend me your ear
For those of you who were confused, a holiday is a day that honors a certain person, place, or thing. Think MLK Day, Pearl Harbor Day, or Arbor Day. Honoring dead family members is a holiday. "Feed me or I'll toilet paper your house" is not a holiday. This does not include excuses to get drunk. Anything goes in the quest for alcohol.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
there are NO natural entitlements
"[entitlements] make little slaves of one part of the society to other parts of the society"
PBS deserves some of my money for that.
the earth's magnetic field is reversing
Sometimes I am so smart that I amaze even myself. For a while, I have been afraid that I was becoming stupid due to lack of exposure to intelligence. But today I came up with an idea that proves that untrue. I am a fricking genius.
Friday, October 27, 2006
I got love in my tummy
For everyone who didn't know, if you do not know the marital status of a female, the correct form of address is "Ms." not "Miss" or "Mrs." Of course, you can always just use her first name as we are a very informal society these days.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
One less bastard child conceived by morons
I think my tivo is about to die. or should be put down. for the past several weeks i have been smelling burning plastic. my walls are all cold thankful. after sniffing everything in my room, I think that the tivo is the culprit. i hope it's just dust. i am not in the mood to buy another tivo right now. but if i did, it would record hd...
Who was the fattest oldest skank on her period?
I don't think this bank of america thing is going to work out. They buy mbna and the very day access transfers, the phishing starts. Like I'm going to touch a link from russia.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
On the jazz
Situations do not magically get better. You must actively do something to bring about change. Eventually I get there.
While it is convenient to have enough hair to form your own pillow, hair caught under a shoulder kinda hurts. Plus the weight causes strange neck motions.
I lost a very important file. Important personally.
Over the past 10 years I have grown upward and outward. Most dramatically in the past year.
Filed under random Saturday night thoughts.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
5 midgets spanking a man covered with thousand island dressing
I don't love my neighbor. I don't even like him. I try to find some redeeming quality to humanity and I find nothing. People revel in the suffering of others. Joy is found by destroying other people. Satisfaction is found in evil. It's time for this to stop.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
The original Star Trek was edutainment
Every later series is just entertainment at best. And can someone explain to me why William Shatner is the star when he can't act but Leonard Nimoy can and he is at best an "also appeared".
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Gorlop says:
advertising sex and the city during the saturday morning cartoon block was dumb as hell.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Dumb Bitch of the Week
Maybe I haven't been clear. If that is the case, then I apologize. So let me dispel any misconceptions anyone has been operating under. I do not like lying hoebag skanks. If you are a lying hoebag skank, then we cannot be friends. Do not try to engage me in your lying hoebag skank chat. Do not share with me your lying hoebag skank interests. I do not care. kthanxdienow.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Sunday, October 8, 2006
And no...
I do not find it funny (or cute) when your child wants to see what I am doing on my laptop. You need to teach the little thing to mind her own business. Sextris could result in some very uncomfortable questions for you. "Mommy, what is that horse doing?"
If you love your child...
Watch your child. or in this case, if you love your money. Just so you know, the computer equipment sitting on my table will cost you around $2000 to replace. Panera has free wi-fi, encouraging patrons to bring laptops with them so that they stay longer and spend more money. Panera does not have inside playground equipment for your carpetrats (my mother's term...) to run around the room playing on. So remember this while your children are playing hide and go seek in between the tables and trip over my power cord: 1. blood doesn't really bother me, so i will just watch them as they cry. 2. widescreen laptops are not cheap. (especially with the new version of window coming out.)
Saturday, October 7, 2006
Life update:
Because really, I just don't have the energy to send emails.
car: my car is fully repaired. but somehow, it just doesn't feel the same. I now understand why people get rid of cars after they have been wrecked. it doesn't feel bad, it's just not the same.
work: I am ready to throw in the towel on employer #3. despite all my best efforts, I just cannot fit in a corporate environment. i am a logical person. stupidity makes me crazy. i have to go. maybe a nonprofit organization would lack the immoral drive to profit i see now. i love money too, but i see no reason to lie/cheat/steal for it.
health: i am literally full of hot air. to the point that it makes me double over in pain. so much fun. plus i have fluid in my ear like i am a 5 yo kid with the sniffles. and my arm hurts from the flu shot.
all in all, good times.
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